Lot 11 Sepoy x Info Miss

1442272545.f2badb2387Sepoy x Info Miss3Click image
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Pedigree Updates

1st Dam
Moon Symbol (2010.f. by Northern Meteor-Info Miss, by Carnegie-Sneetch).
2015-09-20 2nd Muswellbrook RC Carnival of Cups Prelude H.
2nd Dam
Chop Chop (2010.f. by Guillotine-Go Hayley Go, by Centaine-Sneetch).
2015-09-12 1st Whangarei RC In Memory of Dean Logan H.
3rd Dam
Mesa (2012.g. by Lonhro-Belcentra, by Bel Esprit-Centra Rainbeam).
2015-08-20 1st Hawkesbury RC Schweppes Maiden P.